Thursday, December 10, 2009

On my wish list: Food Safari

You know how much Brisbane has grown. I found another new spot for me to hang out!!! Just opposite Borders at Queens Street Mall, Dymocks open their store. It's pretty big. I found couples nice design book where I could comfortably skimming them :P (not like in folio where the store so intimate. the cashier just around the corner).

The first thing that I picked up was Food Safari by Maeve O'Meara. If you don't live in Australia, maybe you are not familiar with Food Safari. It a tv shows from SBS that takes you on a culinary globetrot across Australia. The producer and presenter is Maeve O'Meara. I've been collecting the DVD, it's now up to the third one. I was amazed because it's really covered the whole seasons from the show, packed up with the recipe.

I really like Food Safari. Well, I rely on their recipe quite a lot. It's very easy to follow, no gimmicky. All the cooking was just done from three-hat chefs to passionate home-cooks. I really don't know what to do if I lost all their recipes ahahhaha… My top list dishes was inspired from watching their show. Which I just cooked last night, Ikan bumbu bali!

Another that surprise me that given me hard time to put down the book was — it's beautifully design. You've seen lot's of cook book design, they're all pretty nice. But this one is extra nice. Hoefler & Jones typeface — Archer combined with Avenir strikes me. It could be using the new Sentinel but could be just normal Clarendon (it's too much luxury if they do). The way the photos were laid out covered with nice pretty patterns, is just lovely :)

I love the book! and its has Maeve O'Meara autograph!!!

Check out the book, here. You could dowload the sample pages as well. So you could see the design and the recipe :)

1 comment:

valcory said...

owh... stop it di... please.. u make me wanna go back to brisbane :(