Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'd like to get away from earth awhile and then come back to it and begin over

photo, originally uploaded by the cheshire smile.

I wish to understand God’s plan. I am wishing that all of this happened has a purpose. Good and bad is hard to judge depends on the way you see it. But at this stage, things are getting harder to keep positive and believe that things will be better.

I am currently at very down moment… that I wish to fade away…

I feel like I have given up my best. It seems I have given it all. Is it the moment to awake from the truth? The truth… that all things are meant to be, just the way it is. There is no greater things… or is there?

Help me to see where to go, or what to do. Help me to see the silver lining beyond this. And help me to accept things the way it is.

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