Monday, November 30, 2009

Inspiration words of the week

TRUE, originally uploaded by sarah_gardner.

Morning everyone! Hope everyone had an awesome weekend. Mine was moderate. I had girls night in on Friday night. Nice catched up with friends over dinner and watched 'New in Town' and 'Confession of the shopaholic'. I must admit I totally dislike that shopaholic girl, she really really needs help. Practiced on Saturday with my Thai gf, followed by lunch in new Korean restaurant :P Went around shopping helping my friend finding a costume for her coming B'day. Visited an x rated store for the first time :P it was fun experience LOL. Lastly, I found $5 summer dress!!! can't resist that.

More job hunting this week. sigh… not much job on the market at the moment. An interview this Tuesday. Oh, I had interview last Friday on Advertising Agency, hope there will be good news :)

I've been listening to Lisa MitchellNeopolitan Dreams is my favourites.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Mondayne update

Second week of living without jobs:
hmmm… browsing internet all day (done)… having relaxing cup of lattee (done)… ironing (done)… washing dishes (done)… vaccumming the house (still on the list)… applying for jobs (just a click away -_-)… doing that porfolio (still on the list)… hmmm what should I do next… taking nap? hmmm… too hot.

Do you see the picture of how's my life is now :P

I know exactly how that bunny feels… hmmm let me rest here a little while… hmmm… it's rather nice.

cute overload.

Friday, November 20, 2009

The unfortunate event…

It was a very sad day indeed. It is just a week ago when I lost my job. No one knew what was coming. It was still in the morning, I thought it will be a great Friday. I was gonna had a lunch date that day and gonna watch latin cabarett performance after work.

It's very rare I was being asked to join into a meeting apart not being schedulled. I was slightly curious when I head up into the meeting room. It was happening so fast… only few sentences rest into my memories. There was that word: 'redundant… today'. It was shocking!

könnte schlimmer sein, originally uploaded by i_hear_noises.

I thought I was facing it pretty tough. Even though, I ended up crying afterwards in small room. I was stressing out and shocked. Never thought, it will happen to me. I had mortgage! I felt a slight relief when I realise I still have redundancy package, but it wasn't much.

I went out the room when I was slightly calm down. But I broke down again, when I saw my work colleague was heavily in tears. She hugged me tightly, it was the saddest time for me. It's the saddest moment to realise that I will leave her.

It was a sad day, not because I lost my job but because I will miss the people — friends that I have made over the last two and half years.

Loosing job

I might being naive or cynical. I might even change my mind the next few weeks. But, I actually feels liberated when I lost my job. It was like a slap on my face for my long procastination. My career was the only thing that has been suffer. I think I have not work hard enough trying to achieve what I wanted. Surely, I had given everything while I worked at my old place. But I can't really see my self working there for the next 5 years will make a change for the better into my career. It's a job. (I bet you know what I mean).

Two and half year is long time. I don't regret working there. I've met fabulous people. I learned few things, not technically about design but more about life, passion and friendship. I really feel glad that I managed to use the most of it while I was working there.

Back when I had internship at uni, I worked too hard that I left behind my life. I was so grateful about my career but I've never yet satisfied. I felt there was something missing, since my life was just about working.

I believe God has plan in every step in our life. But everything is up to us, how to live it.

I am so glad that I have not waste anything. I had put up my courage and do dancing lesson after work. Isn't that such a coincidence that there's a dancing studio down the road I used to work (and I always wanted to learn salsa). How about when they sent that invites to the company to do free introductionary lesson. or even… when I met that boy in the bus, that turned out to be salsa dancer (used to be).

Anyway, I could ignore everything and not to do anything. But I took the courage to do something different with my life — making it richer. It's my life afterall!

Turning point

At this stage, I am feeling great and confident wherever I will go. That's an interesting question, Where I will go? I don't know, yet. But, one thing for sure, I really wanted to get my portfolio done perfectly. I've got all the time in the world.

I believe in my self that I am a passionate, young and talented designer. I looked through all the work that I've done. I am quite impressed. I reallize sometimes I judge my self little bit too much that becoming an obstacle to my self to grow.

It was great to see couple people from design studio. It was such a great feeling to see how to work in such a creative place and work together as a team. I miss working in environment like that. If I could choose — that where I wanted to be… being able to be creative everyday and surrounded by the creative, passionate people :)

The support

I will never forget all the kindness that everyone that given me. So many of them help me facing this difficult times making it easy. I received many present from my old colleagues. Miss Lizzie being the biggest helper, refferencing me to everyone she knows to get me a job.
It was so hard for me to tell my parents about the bad news over the phone. An understanding from my parents is a big relief.

It's a funny thing that this happened to me just after what I wrote on my previous post. Did God actually read my blog? LOL. He seems trying to take challenge on me :) Well, I am a very very strong girl, now.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

We feel fine

A very charming book by two digital whiz kids Sep Kamvar and Jonathan Harris use their computer programs to peer into the inner lives of millions, constructing a vast and deep portrait of our collective emotional landscape. It really hit my weak spot as a designer (and a women). I just can't stand the mesmerizing visual graphics. It's genius. See more inside the book, here.

Armed with custom software that scours the English-speaking world's new Internet blog posts every minute, hunting down the phrases "I feel" and "I am feeling," the authors have collected over 12 million feelings since 2005, amassing an ever-growing database of human emotion that adds more than 10,000 new feelings a day!!!

Know more about We feel fine: an almanac of human emotions here. Buy the book here.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

My perfect smile

When I'll be at lost, this photos will be my reminder to find back my happiness.

Life has its ups and downs. After tears, there will be joy. A wise person said to me once, "It is the way we look at things and the way we relate to them that determines our state of happiness... not the things themselves."

Even at the hardest time you could find happiness, if you really look for it. Perhaps the reason we so often experience happiness only in hindsight, and that chasing it is such a fool's errand, is that happiness isn't a goal in itself but is only an aftereffect.

I start to realise the pattern of life. Some day is better than the other. But everyday there's always something to experience. The future is unknown but you always part of it. The present is all you have.

Being 24, I see things differently. I wonder what surprises will come to my life next… no matter what, life goes on. I trusted my life in God's hand. I shall not fear of what may come.
