The wireless signal is quite strong, although from my observation, it seems the signal goes weak at night from 10pm. So far, the speeds is acceptable, it tends bit slower than ADSL2, but I am not complaining.
Quick Recap
ADSL2 doesn't work with our telephone lines. Surprisingly, even though, we had been using ADSL2 when we were renting where it located just another 10 minutes walk. The news was just dropped like a bomb. I was like going to face a reality to live without high-speed internet FOREVER. I wasn't even living in rural area!!! (They said we were on RIMS, some kind line sharing thing, rather than using the cooper wires direct to the exchange). It's one of the things you forgot to check when you're buying a house (sigh). But I blame it all to stingy monopoly Telstra!!!
My mum arrived here at Brisbane on Friday, picked her up at the airport straight from work. I am glad that she's here, I admit that I miss her. I was overjoy when she showed me the black heel shoes for me, it was what I always wanted (Mum always knows). Although, it was half size too big but I'll figure it out how to make it fit!!! (it's better than too small). It's from Charles & Keith.
We managed to shop at IKEA, it was so crowded. We didn't manage to get the dining chair, the one that I wanted was sold out, since it was on sale (half price!) So far, the house is still quite messy, but we'll get there.
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