Monday, March 13, 2006

My intimate lunch talk with my boss [part1]

Well, it started when we talked about our lunch meal, very general stuff. Then he asked me about how is my friend doing back in Jakarta. Hmm then, the topic is going away about how religion influenced to get a job. Still okay, and then he popped the question out from no where >_< leave me stunt.

MyBoss: so Dianne, where is your partner come from? Is he Australian guy or he is Indonesian.
Me: Whattt.. whattt >_< partner??? I don’t have any…
(sorry, I don’t really remember what happened at a moment)
MyBoss: ah…really, how old are you?
Me: I am not even 21 yet T_T (arrrghhh am I look that old… this is not the first time)

What makes him asked me that? Maybe because I am look old ahahaha… anyway, after few discussion, he gave me an advice “No matter what you do, you need to choose by your own. It doesn’t matter what people say or your parents. It is for you life. You can be married anytime you like or not like have partners.” Hmmm…I’ll keep that in mind, though it is still long way to go…


Anonymous said...

Wowww great job.
Suddenly 3 entries. You really are bad employee if you do all of these blog in your working place :)

Nica blog people, especially the Me, Myself, And I session... hehehe, you naughty lustful girl hahahaha (erm, jus kiddin yo ).Looking at this blog makes me wanna start my own blog also ye know. I think I should start depicting my life with its adventure, but hell im so lazy. unless someone can write it for me hahahaha. for the last entries, hmm I think you will got yourself a new boyfriend hahahahaha, Im looking forward to it. Btw, lo demen mangan kaga? gw ada beberapa mangan bagus, artistik dari
Klo mau, nanti gw kirimin satu yg bagus. Biasa nya artist suka mangan yg "indah" kaya gin :)

That's all folks.

DIANS said...

hahhaha... I wrote most of the at home. I did once at office but it was lunch hours so it's okay... Btw about that [me, myself and I] I just decided to delete it anyway. Since it attract a negative controversion from some people ahahaha.

Well, cos the truth is nothing really happened. I was just little bit fall down from the path. Everything back to normal now :D

Talking about manga... yeah I like them, but I don't have much time to read them. I still have CDs pack with manga >_< ...

Anonymous said...

Whats with the intimate lunch with the boss? never mix business with pleasure! haha, was just thinkin bout u then decided to drop by and read some stuff... i was like my my, you've got some issues to deal with, girl! a piece of advice: u're the captain of a ship called ur life... do whatever u want with it, its urs anyway... i may be jokin all the time, but when it comes to givin hand and/or ears to ease my friend's trouble, im always into it... ciaoo!!