Tuesday, September 23, 2008

25th Wedding Anniversary cakes and cards

I attend my friend's parents 25th wedding anniversary on the weekend. It was only small gathering in their house. They have such a harmonious family, they are blessed with 4 children. Now, all in their teens and young adult. We had Chinesse steamboat for the dinner :) was so fulfiling.

Close up photo of the cakes, two doves added on top of silver ribbons nest.

In the afternoon, I was helping my sister bf's mother with the wedding anniversary cakes decoration. She unexpetedly rang me in the last minutes needing my help to decorate the cakes. She made the lovely white cakes with the heart shape on top. But she was concerned that it was being to plain. It was my idea to place the doves and ribbons on top. I'm my self not very meticulous in tying, so I'm glad that my sister got certificate in floral arrangement. She got the job well done ;) don't you think? I only added the finishing touch, with two doves paper cut. All materials were bits and pieces that we could find at that time. All done only in few minutes.

I also designed customised anniversary greeting cards for them. I was working on it slowly, last week. Sadly, the card never made it into their hands since our printer suddenly broken (after I recently bought new inks, which cost me more than $100!!!!!! I am still absolutely upset 'bout this). So rather leaving the cards useless, I would like to share it with you. You can print the cards your own (precisely fit on A4 cards, you'll need to trim it following the trim mark, it's blank inside), download it from here. Sorry, still can't figure it out how to put a download link yet. You can send me message if you're interested, I can even add more personalisation. Please don't be hesitate to ask.

It was quite fun, giving me a chance to be crafty again^^

Monday, September 22, 2008

Shinzi Katoh mugs collection

Shinzi Katoh is Japan’s best known Zakka artist and illustrator/designer (read more about him in here). His illustrations style is still very 70's, which I quite fond of it. I fall in love the most with his due caffe mug. It's such a clever concept, top for my biscuits and below for my tea. No more hassle carrying my tea and biscuits through the stairs and opening doors in the office -_-"

I first saw the mug at Melbourne design exhibition, months ago. I wasn't aware about Shizi Katoh at that time and thinking about the hassle carrying breakable items back to Brisbane, so I neglect the idea of buying the mug. But when I accidentally found the mugs again, I promise my self to get one of this. Seriously, I was like a mad cat lady (from the Simpsons) when I saw the whole collections of Shinzi Katoh. It was the first time I was introduce to Zakka — the things that make people feel happy and exist like a comfortable air. Now, I trully understand why Japanesse do lots of cute unnecessary stuff.

I would recommend you to grab Shinzi Katoh items from here, UK site and the original Japanese site, here. Both have the best range of Shinzi Katoh collections. You will need this guide to shop in Japanesse site unless you can read Kanji (thanks to Charlotte from anknel and burblets). If you still can't get enough of it, check Shinzi Katoh flickr group here.

Tell me which one is your favourite? … I know it's so hard to pick. I hope my sister would get me one for my Birthday, next month. I'll let her decide ^^

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Amazing collage from Kup Kup Land

Bunny H6, originally uploaded by Kup, Kup Land.

It's absolutely beautiful. My hand is shaking when I noticed the original artwork is still available at etsy. I have overspend last month, my credit card bills have been piling up. My freelance clients haven't paid me yet, and I don't think it will cover it up all. I am sure this work will be gone in just a matter of second (sigh)

Kup Kup is such a creative person, she has been constantly creating an amazing works. It has been very inspiring to see her creations. This collage piece is rather a new exploration of hers, but you can still see her unique style by the used of colour and the felt. Felt has been her main medium, she made lots of pretty felt collage and really cute pin cushion land. See her other
lovely works on her flickr and buy her prints from kupkup.etsy.com (you’ll see what I mean).

No, you can't buy it before me, I am warning you!!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

It’s my spring bedroom

Winter has definitely slipped out the back door (since I’ve been waking up with sweats in the middle of the night lately… sigh) All the trees have been blooming, more suns and warm weather. But I completely forgot to change my sleeping wear and still comfortably wear my pj. (chuckled… no wonder I keep sweating at night). I redecorate my room on the weekend. I changed my flannel quilts to something cooler and pick brighter colour quilts cover.

What do you think of my room?

My guys friend think that my room is kinda cuteish -___-“ well, what can I say… I can’t throw away all my cute dolls! They are still part of my life ‘till I found the right guy.

It’s very IKEA-ish and I am not shamed of it :P More photos on my flickr.

Mondayne update

It's quite hazy this morning. They say it's going to be 27˚C today. Hopefully, it's going to be great week. Btw, I saw this guy again this morning while I was queing for the bus. I cheekily smiled at him when he was passing by, and he smiled back at me^^ ///////// I was completely blushing…

Okay, back to the real world.

All the week I've been having such a great meal. I might even gain some weight, I feel bit quilty. I need to eat less during summer -__-" I had peking ducks last night on my friend birthday dinner.

It's quite ironic, the dinner was in the same place and same table where I had dinner with my ex, his mom and his friends when he visited Brisbane again. It was beyond my expectation that we're having dinner there. Since it's in an uncommon place. None of my friends haven't been there before. I didn't realise it when I got the invitation for the dinner.

I was quite upset about it. No matter I try to avoid the past, it always just come back. In the end, I am okay with it, I am with my friends. Past is past, I live in the present.

Overall, it was a great week. I shoped at DFO on Saturday, bought only a birthday present for my friend which make me such a good girl :D Honest, I didn't buy anything else.

Oh yea, Happy mooncake festival everyone!!!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I am doing okay, be back soooon

This photo is ridiculously cute -___- hmmmphhhhh… can anyone translate this?
Image snatch from here. I can't even read japanese, just keep looking at the pretty pictures ;) wink wink

Dians has been having such a busy weeks. Hopefuly, after she finished her freelance work and stop her procrastinating she will back posting more exciting stuff. //////// smack smackkk///////
////// need to focus on work! gtg

Saturday, September 06, 2008

His reply

It took my Saturday morning to think it through again. To accept and forgive is definitely against my desire. But what come may against my grudge?

Forgiveness may take a lifetime forgiving, but I have my faith stand by me.

I am done with him. He crush my heart but he is not going to ruin my life^^ We may or may not be friends anymore. I'm taking it easy ;) Whatever will be, will be…

Friday, September 05, 2008

Accept and forgive

It’s hard but it’s the right thing to do to make you feel so much better :) I am flushing away all the bad energy. I had enough bitching and sulking yesterday. Kanimaki thanks for your supports.

My ex-bf doesn’t want to be friend with me anymore since he started seeing someone new. My congratulations text message wasn't replied. He just completely ignores my existence. And yesterday, I just noticed he removed me from his friends list at Facebook. I totally got the message.

We only dated for less than 2 years. I had a great time with him. But we have to break up since we have different plans for our future and it’s too early for us to take the next step. He went back to his hometown, to fulfil his dream to continue running his dad publishing company. Our ending was quite mutual.

I was perfectly cool when he started seeing someone. Although, there was a moment after we broke up when we were still quite close. But when he start dating, it was very clear to me it was enough. I’m back on my feet and not looking back.

Breaking up is hard (as always, it’s not the first time for me anyway) but loosing him as a friend tears my heart apart. I was completely upset by his act. I don’t understand why he has to make things so difficult. How much more he wanted me to suffer? I’ve hurt enough to let him leave and to live with all the memories in Brisbane.

No matter what the reasons is I forgive him. I wish him well…

Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Colossians 3:13

Image via Beautifool type.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Today is my lucky day

I saw him in the bus this morning. He rocks my heart for a split seconds, I just can't stop smiling. I knew that it's going to be a great day.

I've been so infatuated by him. It's been awhile and very unreasonable. Sometimes, when our eyes met,
I completely lost of my self. Only a vaguely smirk arised, trying to hold my wild-randomness desire.

I wonder if he noticed me. I got the feeling that he is. Or is it because of my power of stare -_-"

Should I say HI or keep this foolish infatuation going?

I girl can only dream…

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Swiss design in chemical industry

"Clap your hands if you love swiss design"
quoted from Grain Edit.

I say bow if you can. I don't think there's any other best words to describe it. Swiss design is just so brilliant and timeless. Others might say it's so retro but I don't agree with it. No matter how much design trends evolve, I love Swiss design till death set us apart.

And it will be just a matter of time, I'll colect all Swiss design books, especially Josef Muller Brockmann. He is totaly my design hero. He has inspired me from the beginining I started doing design.

Why can't we just design our chemistry text book like that!!!

Image from Publicity and Graphic Design in the Chemical Industry by Hans Neuburg 1967,
via Grain Edit. To see more of the images visit Grain Edit flickr set.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Brisbane Eye

Brisbane Eye, originally uploaded by Dan Halford.

Have I told you that Brisbane just recently got their own version of the London Eye. I thought it was a joke when I heard it over the news. Then there was no sign of any feriss wheel on the due date, which was supposed to be up on May on the 20th anniversary of World Expo '88 at the South bank Parklands.

Few months after that I saw a white big constructions of a ferris wheel. I was so thrill, so it was true!!! This beauty was definitely one of the crowd pleaser during the Riverfire festival last weekend.

Apparently, I haven't had time to jump into this georgeos wheel yet. But it's on my list for next weekend stroll with Picasso exhibition.